Oceanstars | Book 1 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 | Book 1

Scroll Horizontally to Read >>

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  • page 02
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  • page 04
  • page 05
  • page 06
  • page 07
  • page 08
  • page 09
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  • page 20
  • page 21
  • page 22
  • page 23
  • page 24
  • page 25
  • page 26
  • page 27
  • page 28
  • page 29

Note from Nummi

Transitioning the comic out of color was meant to save time but since I didn't understand how to use ClipStuido, it still became time consuming. I hope you enjoy the 2nd chapter! This was my first attempt at screentones and I might just drop doing that too (like One Piece lol) as I don't really have assistants to help me. But as I streamline my process, we will see as what route comes of this. Again this comic is slow to update, so thanks for your patience.
Also now there is a comment section because I recoded the comic to be a horizontal scroll set in a blog post!

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